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Informational Webinar

An informational webinar was held March 22, 2024 to introduce the ASPN project and included introductions from Jenna Cramer, Green Building Alliance; Mark Swiger WVU, WVU Extension and Vantage Ventures; Barb Ewing, Youngstown Business Incubator & BRITE Energy Innovators; and Connie Palucka, Catalyst Connection. Questions asked during the webinar are answered below. 

Q: Is the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) an additional step, separate from completing the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) during the pilot?


A: Yes, the LCA provides the foundation for an EPD, which is a separate process. Once your LCA is complete, you may need to make adjustments before pursuing an EPD. As a part of this pilot, we will recommend high quality and lower cost EPD programs that will provide the 3rd party EPD verification. The good news is that the cost of getting an EPD has diminished substantially in recent years.


Q: For manufacturers, do we have a flyer prepared to share? or How do we cold call them to get them involved?


A: The best way for peers to promote ASPN to other companies in their networks is to direct them to the website or share this postcard to promote the survey.


Q:  I am an end user and not a manufacturer. Is there a list of manufactures in the region and the various sustainable products that are located in the region?


A: A list of manufacturers is exactly what we are hoping to produce, and one of the intended outcomes of this planning grant. So through the ecosystem mapping initiative, we anticipate building a full list and a full directory and a full visual map.


Q: Are survey responses restricted to businesses within the highlighted northern Appalachian area or can they be from neighboring areas as well?


A: Survey responses are not restricted to businesses within the highlighted northern Appalachian area. We’d love to hear from other businesses, just indicate where you’re coming from.



Have a question about ASPN? Use this form to submit your questions and we'll be happy to answer it here!

Share Your Thoughts

ASPN would like to here tour thoughts about how we can further the success of the sustainable building industry.

  • How might we support the growth of the sustainable building industry and development of new manufacturing products in the region? 

  • What would it take to get other people, businesses, and organizations involved and excited about this initiative?


Want to help position our region to better capture the $83B Sustainable Building market?

We are seeking input to assess potential workforce demand within the sustainable building, development, and associated clean energy sectors. Your input will help us map organizations in the region and create resources that address workforce, education, and marketing challenges.


The survey takes approximately 5 minutes, and will provide valuable insights to inform the development of future resources.

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